Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 DownLoad

Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3

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  • Time:2024-04-14 20:20:40

#Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 Review

#Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 Introduction


It is not until you have your own car that you realize realize how much you are paying every time you fill your tank. Until you get behind the wheel, my friend, you are far removed from these sorrows. Then every drop of gasoline becomes unicorn blood or printer ink. Every penny you save is precious, which is why apps like Gas Stations Spain are coming to the rescue and help you choose the best brand and gas station to squeeze the most out of every drop of golden elixir.

It includes a color code with green indicating the cheap gas stations and red for the expensive ones.

Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 Map of gas stations in Spain

Mr. Ministry of Industry, where are the cheapest gas stations hidden? All you have to do is open this app to find out because that is the main function of Gas Stations Spain: to draw a map of the country with all the gas stations of your choice and their prices. Thanks to its color code, you can discover the most suitable for you at a glance:

Red for the most expensive.

Green for the cheapest.

Orange for the mid-priced ones.

You can list gas stations by proximity and price. And you can even search for them yourself on the map. If you allow access to your location, this app will tell you the nearest gas stations and the price of fuel there. And a lot more:

Distance from your location.

Approximate cost to get there from where you are.

How much it would cost you to fill the tank.

How much you would save if you refuel there.

The address.

The latest price update.

Hours of operation and whether it is open or not.

If it is public or private.

Direct button to Google Maps to get directions.

Types of fuel available.

The history with the price changes based to the period you choose.

You can change the type of fuel, the tank capacity for calculating savings, the gas stations shown, as well as other parameters.

One of the best functions is the route function. You can enter the route you are going to travel and see at a glance all the gas stations you will pass and where it is convenient or not to refuel. Go to preferences to configure your type of car so the app can offer more detailed information based on the vehicle you drive and its consumption. You can also select to display only certain brands of gas stations, choose the distance you are willing to go, add the discounts you have, hide the establishments that are not updated and those that are not public...

Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 Prices for all fuels

And what if you are looking for a very specific type of fuel? Don't worry, Gas Stations Spain has it covered and showsg the prices for all these fuels:

Gasoline 95.

Gasoline 98.


Improved diesel.

Diesel B.

Diesel C.





Gasoline 95 without protection.

Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 2.3.

Gas Stations Spain 3.6.3 NewS

Gas Stations Spain is a guide to gas stations in that country where you can see where the cheapest gas on the market is and save money when you refuel

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