MSN Money 1.2.1 DownLoad

MSN Money 1.2.1

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:22.4MB
  • Developer: Microsoft
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-14 20:44:25

#MSN Money 1.2.1 Review

#MSN Money 1.2.1 Introduction


It is often said that love moves the world, but what moves the world at its core is money. To keep us informed at all times of economic news, Microsoft has turned its financial news portal into an app. This way, with the download of the APK file, we will be able to read the latest financial news and know the movements of the stock markets.

Get more information about your money with the best news and financial data in the world.

MSN Money 1.2.1 Everything you need to know about economics and finance

MSN Money is the official application that collects information from the famous web portal and offers it to us through a system perfectly adapted to mobile devices. It has several sections:

Today. The most important economic and financial information of the day.

Markets. Data and graphs on the evolution of world stock markets, commodities, and currencies.

Tracking list. With personalized values.

News. All financial and economic information collected from various websites and media.

Personal finance. Property and housing news.


This last section is particularly interesting. Here, we can find a currency converter, a mortgage calculator, a wealth estimate, utilities to study the pension plan, and a tipping calculator.

Keep track of the main world indexes.

Whether we want to know the financial information or the evolution of the economic indexes or have a selection of financial tools at hand, this is our app. And it is totally free.

MSN Money 1.2.1 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.

MSN Money 1.2.1 NewS

MSN offers us the MSN Money application, an economic platform where we can keep up to date with the most relevant current financial news of the world

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