Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 DownLoad

Usage Analyzer 1.0.132

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:4.5MB
  • Developer: KF Software House
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-11 22:28:42

#Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 Review

#Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 Introduction


How much time do you spend on your phone? Do you think you waste too much time on certain applications? Find out easily thanks to Usage Analyzer, an Android application that shows us reports about how we use or phone or tablet.

Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 How long do you use each app?

The truth is that this app makes use of the operating system's info about the device's usage. However, it also shows them to us in a much more attractive manner through an eye-catching interface that allows us to organize all the data according to different criteria.

This Usage Analyzer for Android can show us data such as the following:

Total usage of all applications.

Average usage adjusted to different time slots: days, weeks, years...

Representation of the data on charts and graphics.

Distribution by hours of usage: find out when you use it the most.

Find out exactly how many hours you spend on each application.

Thanks to this tool, we can find out if we're using our smartphone too much, as well as discovering those apps that we hardly use and that might be worth removing from our phone to avoid consuming too many resources unnecessarily.

Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

Usage Analyzer 1.0.132 NewS

Usage Analyzer for Android is a simple application capable of measuring how much time we spend and how we use our smartphone and generating reports

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