MyTelenor 3.28.0 DownLoad

MyTelenor 3.28.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:94.9MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-11 21:13:16

#MyTelenor 3.28.0 Review

#MyTelenor 3.28.0 Introduction


Telenor, the Norwegian telecommunications company, is very present in Scandinavia and in other countries as far away as Pakistan, Bangladesh or Malaysia. And their clients, to control everything about their relationship with the company, they can download MyTelenor.

MyTelenor 3.28.0 The app for Telenor customers

With this application, just like that of other carriers of the likes of Vodafone or Orange, users of this company can check their bills, consumption or products hired in a very simple manner as the design has been carried out to make it as simple and accessible as possible. But it also offers us information about Telenor and its loyalty programs and it also makes sure that its customers don't get bored: it comes along with a game or two.

These are the main features of this app:

Well-cared design to make it easier to handle.

Quickly check consumptions, payments, invoices, rates, products hired...

Games that offer different rewards and discounts.

Possibility to explore and discover music, videos or video game contents.

We have to point out that you won't get any discounts in the form of MB on your rates by using the official Telenor Myanmar app.

MyTelenor 3.28.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.

MyTelenor 3.28.0 NewS

MyTelenor is the application with which clients of this telecommunications company can check their bills, consumption or the products they have hired

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