7-Eleven 3.8.9 DownLoad

7-Eleven 3.8.9

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:85.4MB
  • Developer: 7-Eleven Inc
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-08 19:23:14

#7-Eleven 3.8.9 Review

#7-Eleven 3.8.9 Introduction


The famous food, drinks, and drugstore chain (among other things) takes the leap onto Android in the form of an app. Thanks to this tool we will be able to win prizes with each purchase, find the nearest outlets, and much more.

Get reward points on your everyday shopping.

7-Eleven 3.8.9 Earn points and skip lines

If we are regular customers of 7-Eleven stores, we need to download this app's APK file. To use it and get all the benefits it offers, all we have to do is scan the barcode when we pay. Its main functions can be summed in the following:

Get prizes, points, and rewards for each purchase we make at the chain's stores.

Manage our points.

Scan the barcodes of the products we purchase in order to skip lines when it comes to paying at the checkout.

Search for the franchise's stores closest to our location.

Exchange our points for the store's products.

Win even more prizes by playing mini-games.

Search for exclusive deals.

Using our contactless payment, you can buy and pay on your phone. Simply scan, pay, and go.

If we regularly shop at these popular outlets, this application will help us save money. It is simple, easy to use, and convenient and, what's more, our wallet will thank us for using it.

7-Eleven 3.8.9 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

7-Eleven 3.8.9 NewS

7-Eleven stores will always be open to us on our Android thanks to this official application, which also allows us to get prizes, deals, and discounts

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