Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 DownLoad

Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:8.3MB
  • Developer: Quadbits SLU
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  • Time:2024-04-15 23:59:48

#Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 Review

#Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 Introduction


Find the best prices for petrol, diesel and other fuels for your car, motorbike or truck in fuel stations all over Spain. You'll be able to do so thanks to the Android app Gasoline and Diesel Spain that shows us the best prices nearby.

Prices up to date with the information provided by the Ministry of Industry.

Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 Find cheap fuel stations from your Android

With this tool, it's easy to find the best prices when it comes to refueling. Just install the APK on your smartphone and start searching for nearby fuel stations thanks to its great features:

Shows gas stations on a list or on a map.

Discover prices nearby to your current location or input an address manually.

Calculate routes and find fuel stations on your way.

Sort stations by price or distance.

Select the maximum distance between petrol stations.

Choose only your usual stations or any gas station.

Update prices if you've got a discount.

Expand the details about each fuel station.

Access their history of prices.

Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 What fuels can be found in this app?

As well as the usual unleaded 95 and 98-octane petrol, diesel, red diesel and bunker C fuel, you'll also find other fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, LPG and CNG.

Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.

Offers in-app purchases.

Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.5 NewS

With Gasoline and Diesel Spain you can locate the fuel stations with cheapest petrol and diesel in your area or on the routes you're going to drive

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