AirCare 7.7.33 DownLoad

AirCare 7.7.33

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:13.7MB
  • Developer: Gorjan Jovanovski
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-23 01:59:31

#AirCare 7.7.33 Review

#AirCare 7.7.33 Introduction


Every day it is more common that, in addition to the weather forecast, we are attentive to the forecast of pollution in our area. This app for Android shows us all the information we need to know about air quality before going out to the street or doing outdoor activities.

AirCare 7.7.33 Air quality, pollution, fire, air and much more

AirCare is an app that measures air quality in real time. Using it is as easy as downloading the APK file and giving geolocation permissions or searching the database for a street. In a matter of seconds, we can see the levels of air pollution and other pollutants, such as PM10 and PM2.5 particles.

Get real-time data on air quality in North America, Europe and Australia.

Through color coding and graphics, we can tell at a glance if it's a good time to go for a walk or open windows to air out our house. But this platform offers us much more information, such as UV and pollen data.

On the other hand, its map shows us in a very visual way the pollution levels, active fires and air direction. Also, its interface is comfortable and customizable, being able to make it closer to children with the child mode, changing the graphics and numbers for the friendly pet Breezy, which also teaches us the benefits of clean air.

AirCare 7.7.33 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.3.

Offers in-app purchases.

AirCare 7.7.33 NewS

Is this the best time to go for a run? Should I open the windows now? Discover real-time air pollution levels in your area with the AirCare application

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