Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 DownLoad

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:53MB
  • Developer: FeelVeryBien
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  • Time:2024-04-23 12:29:37

#Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 Review

#Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 Introduction


Many people who suffer from stress and other ailments attributed to the frenetic pace of our daily lives have turned to meditation and mindfulness to find that inner peace they are unable to find on their own.

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 App for meditation and relaxation

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou is an application that offers the user different techniques and relaxation guides that will allow him to find that tranquility that often costs so much to achieve. It proposes a dedication of 10 minutes daily to develop the habit of meditation and for that it has more than 400 meditations designed by experts in psychology or psychiatry (or so it says).

The application offers the following features and is aimed at different topics such as sleep, stress, self-esteem, compassion, work, time management, family, addictions or sport:

Wide catalogue of guided meditations grouped by objectives.

Animated stories to learn how to meditate.

Relaxing sounds to improve concentration and relaxation.

Meditations for all ages and different profiles.

Monitoring of personal progress.

Different programmes adapted to the user's knowledge.

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.

Offers in-app purchases.

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou 3.8.4 NewS

Mindfulness with Petit Bambou is a mindfulness application that offers you relaxation techniques to balance chakras and harmonize your spirit with Gaia

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