Dog Walk 1.2.3 DownLoad

Dog Walk 1.2.3

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:13.2MB
  • Developer: Tractive
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-12 13:38:42

#Dog Walk 1.2.3 Review

#Dog Walk 1.2.3 Introduction


Walking our dog can be a very mundane experience, getting up earlier, wearing plastic gloves to pick up his poop, getting our new sofa wet or our favorite sneakers chewed up... or a very unique experience thanks to apps of the likes of Dog Walk. We're talking about a Runtastic for dogs, a tool that can measure how much your dog has walked, draw up the route when taking him for a walk, how much time you've walked, and most importantly, it allows you to check-in just like on Foursquare in the places where your dog poops.

Monitor your dog's daily exercise.

It's ideal for anyone with pets and also for dogsitters as it allows us to monitor more than one at a time. Users can access a complete activity report that can be submitted to the owners so that they know what their pets have been up to.

On the other hand, as you'll be walking beside your best friend, it also measures your own physical activity so these data can help to verify your physical condition. You can then share that information with your friends and family so they can know where you've been with your dog and what you've found: you can take photos of each moment!

Dog Walk 1.2.3 Main features of Dog Walk

Create datasheets for several pets.

Complete datasheets with breed, date of birth, sex, castration details, weight, height, chip ID...

Valid for dogs, cats or whatever pet.

Also flag where your pet pees.

Block the option to stop recording to avoid accidents.

Different sorts of maps.

Dog Walk 1.2.3 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0

Dog Walk 1.2.3 NewS

Dog Walk is the perfect app to walk your dog, it allows you to measure distances, draw up routes, calculate times, pin his pooping spots, and take photos

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