LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 DownLoad

LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:40.4MB
  • Developer: LinkedIn
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  • Time:2024-04-08 17:27:41

#LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 Review

#LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 Introduction


LinkedIn has become the most prominent professional social network in the world where professionals from different disciplines get in touch with each other and share knowledge, find the human and knowledge capital they need, and, of course, find their dream job.

LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 LinkedIn's professional training platform

And today, continuous training is essential to stay at the forefront of professional performance, which is why the social network has developed LinkedIn Learning. This is a place to acquire competencies and skills in different disciplines through online courses that can be validated with certificates.

Users will find video courses taught by experts in areas that include leadership, programming, design, etc. LinkedIn Learning offers video explanations and the materials and documents necessary to follow them.

The following are the main features of this online training platform:

All kinds of courses on technology and professional creative branches.

Course recommendations based on your professional activity.

Download courses to watch offline.

View courses at your own pace.

Add completed courses to your LinkedIn profile.

Get certificates to validate your skills.

LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

LinkedIn Learning 0.234.5 NewS

LinkedIn Learning is LinkedIn's handy application for online courses, training, and certifying the necessary skills in different professional areas

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