aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg DownLoad

aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:15.6MB
  • Developer: aktiWir GmbH
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-12 04:31:05

#aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg Review

#aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg Introduction


Calculating your ideal weight is not as simple as stepping on a scale and looking at the result. You also need to know your BMI, and this app an help you calculate it and check if your diet and training are being effective. How does it work?

aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg How to know your ideal weight

Download the APK file of aktiBMI for an easy-to-use tool to calculate your body mass index or BMI. In this way, you will know at a glance if you are overweight, at a regular weight or underweight.

You can calculate your BMI and see explanatory graphs.

Using this app is as simple as entering your weight, height, age, and gender. The system analyzes this information to calculate your BMI and show you the results using a color code.

This app also helps you keep track of your weight evolution over time. If you enter your weight regularly, you will be able to know if your diet and training are working to achieve your goals. You can also indicate the desired weight and the app will tell you if you are closer (or not) to your goal.

aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

aktiBMI 2.16-xmsg NewS

Would you like to lose weight or get in shape? The aktiBMI app helps you calculate your perfect body mass index (BMI) to be healthier and stronger

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