Have I Been Pwned 1.9 DownLoad

Have I Been Pwned 1.9

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Security
  • File size:4.8MB
  • Developer: Apportuno
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-08 02:32:47

#Have I Been Pwned 1.9 Review

#Have I Been Pwned 1.9 Introduction


Internet security has its singularities. You sign up to a web, you insert a complicated password and you feel you are the smartest person in the world... Until a pirate arrives and steals your information.

Have I Been Pwned is a web page that allows its users to check if their personal information has been endangered by data beaches. The app we describe today is not the official version of this web, but it offers the information we need by using the original database. And all that from the comfort of our Android device. Here's how it works.

Check if your email address or password have been leaked.

Have I Been Pwned 1.9 Has my account been compromised?

Apportuno studio offers us a comfortable tool with which we can check if our account has been leaked. In order to use it, we just have to insert the email address we would like to check.

Next, we will see if there are leaks related to that email or not. If your account has luckily been leaked, you will see a list of the endangered web pages. When entering each of them, we will see the description of the leak, its date and the day it was added to the database. Besides, we will see the kind of information that was leaked, such as:

Date of birth.

Email address.


Geographical locations.




It can be a little scary to use this app, but it's worst to be left wondering. Check in a few seconds if your account or your passwords have been leaked and have peace of mind.

Have I Been Pwned 1.9 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Instructions to install XAPKs on Android

Have I Been Pwned 1.9 NewS

Do you have reason to believe your passwords or email addresses might have been leaked? The app Have I Been Pwned indicates you if your email was leaked

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