My Earthquake Alerts DownLoad

My Earthquake Alerts

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:19MB
  • Developer: jRustonApps BV
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  • Time:2024-04-09 07:27:51

#My Earthquake Alerts Review

#My Earthquake Alerts Introduction


Are you worried about earthquakes and aftershocks? This app offers a complete record of earthquakes around the world and sends you personalized alerts.

My Earthquake Alerts All the world's earthquakes in one app

My Earthquake Alerts is a free earthquake detector for smartphones. Its database records earthquakes around the world, and you will find information since 1970.

Download the APK file, open the app, and you will see the most recent earthquakes, both as a list and on a world map. On this screen, you can also see the location, magnitude, and time of the quake. You will also find additional data within each record, including exact location, depth, and distance.

Live information of earthquakes around the world.

From the Tools menu, you can select your region and country, as well as the unit of measurement (kilometers or miles). You can also set up push notifications that the app will automatically send you, and filter them by minimum magnitude and type of notification (nearby places, countries, continents, or worldwide). And it also allows us to change the map display.

If you want to be informed about earthquakes and countries worldwide without spending a penny, this is the app you are looking for. It is simple but effective.

My Earthquake Alerts Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

My Earthquake Alerts NewS

My Earthquake Alerts is a free and handy mobile tool that provides live warnings and timely information about earthquakes and seism around the world

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