Ola Driver DownLoad

Ola Driver

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:54.4MB
  • Developer: ola
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-03-20 10:55:46

#Ola Driver Review

#Ola Driver Introduction


The taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) service Ola, available in India, Bangladesh, and Australia, is going to launch in the United Kingdom, and that is why, as well as customers, it needs a new fleet of cars and drivers who want to work using its platform.

Ola Driver, formerly known as Ola Partner, is the application for Ola taxi and PHV services that is for drivers, not customers. The app will allow them to manage customer bookings, follow routes on the map, check payments and earnings for each trip, and manage anything related to their work from their taxi or PHV.

Ola Driver Main features

Ola is a flexible platform that allows drivers to choose their working hours.

It offers low fees, with no hidden charges.

Drivers have access to 24/7 technical support by phone or email.

The app features an SOS button (emergency alert) for ensuring driver safety.

Drivers will be able to see the destination before accepting a fare.

Payments are made daily and are totally secure.

Ola Driver Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.

Ola Driver NewS

If you want to become a taxi or PHV driver for Ola, Ola Driver (Ola Partner) will allow you to manage your work and to find customers of the service

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