been 1.1.0 DownLoad

been 1.1.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:62.8MB
  • Developer: REBR AS
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-15 06:23:38

#been 1.1.0 Review

#been 1.1.0 Introduction


Whether on business or vacation, been APK offers a convenient tool to help you keep track of the countries you have visited. And that's where this app shines, as its interface highlights in bright yellow the countries or regions where we have been.

been 1.1.0 A world map that shows the countries we have visited

The been Android app interface is very intuitive. As soon as we log in, something that is not mandatory unless we want to synchronize our data on different devices, we can start selecting the countries we already visited. And, to make this easier, it offers an integrated search engine that lets us find a country quickly. In addition, we can also select countries manually since they are sorted by continent, so it is just a matter of searching and marking. But if traveling to other countries is not your thing, been also lets you keep track of the regions you visit in your country.

Record in a few seconds the countries and regions you have visited.

Also, from the settings, we can choose between a light or dark theme, select which progress to measure (countries or regions of countries visited), check the version of the app, and read its privacy policies.

In short, when you download been for free, you will be able to keep a list of the countries you have visited and, if it is your goal, complete entire regions without leaving a single country behind.

been 1.1.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

been 1.1.0 NewS

been is an app that lets us track the countries we have been to and shows us the regions we have yet to visit through a simple and intuitive interface

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