Coursera 3.29.0 DownLoad

Coursera 3.29.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:23.1MB
  • Developer: Coursera
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-21 02:12:58

#Coursera 3.29.0 Review

#Coursera 3.29.0 Introduction


Everyone knows the free virtual education platform called Coursera. We can now make the most of its Android application and access all the courses available from our phone. With Coursera we'll be able to view the videos and download the material necessary to receive the free courses that are offered.

Take the best online courses in the world for free.

Coursera 3.29.0 Main features

You can access over 600 courses in more than 20 different areas, from maths to music or medicine.

Includes courses in 12 languages, including English, Spanish and French.

You can receive classes while you travel by train or at the weekend.

Allows you to download documents to check them offline.

Easily organize the courses and all the material received.

Now education is at everyone's reach thanks to Coursera. Receive classes on your Android and expand your knowledge.

Coursera 3.29.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Coursera 3.29.0 NewS

Coursera is the app from which you can access the free online courses offered by this platform. Make the most of free courses from your phone with Coursera

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