WaterMinder 5.3.3 DownLoad

WaterMinder 5.3.3

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:60MB
  • Developer: Funn Media
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-22 07:16:51

#WaterMinder 5.3.3 Review

#WaterMinder 5.3.3 Introduction


How much water do you have to drink every day? You've probably asked yourself that question many a time. Some people say two liters a day, some say that only when you're thirsty, others say that you've to drink a glass with each meal...

Well, the truth is that there isn't a fixed amount to be consumed on a daily basis since it basically depends our physical conditions and our activity. It's not the same amount for somebody that weighs 100 kg than someone that weighs 50, somebody working in the sun all day long or in an office with AC on... And we could carry on all day with these stupid examples.

An app to hydrate yourself.

If you want to keep a strict control of the water you drink every day, as well as receiving reminders, then you should be interested in WaterMinder. This Android application reminds you when to drink and, depending on your build, how much you should drink. You can indicate a daily target and it will send you reminders to not forget to drink water.

WaterMinder 5.3.3 Main features

Once you download this APK to your smartphone, you'll be able to access the following functions:

Daily percentage over the total amount you need to consume.

Consumption stats: check when and how much you have drunk.

Establish a customized consumer profile.

Configure measurement units.

Receive notifications with and without sound.

The app is also available for iPhone from the iTunes App Store and can be synchronized with wearables of the likes of Apple Watch, Samsung Gear and others.

WaterMinder 5.3.3 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.1.

Offers in-app purchases.

WaterMinder 5.3.3 NewS

WaterMinder is an application for Android devices that tells you, according to different parameters, how much water and how often you have to drink

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