Cashi 2.1.0 DownLoad

Cashi 2.1.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:37.3MB
  • Developer: Wal-Mart de México
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-14 09:01:16

#Cashi 2.1.0 Review

#Cashi 2.1.0 Introduction


It is increasingly common to pay for things on a mobile phone. But what if, as well as paying, we could get cashback to help save money on our purchases? Well, that is precisely what the download of the APK file of this Walmart app offers us. But this tool also hides other juicy surprises.

Cashi 2.1.0 Pay, track spending, and save

Cashi is a financial app that allows us to pay using our mobile phones at Walmart, Walmart Express, Bodega Aurrera, and Sam's Club stores. Not only does it offer us convenience but also gives us 2% cash back on our purchases.

Your app for making smart payments.

Using this tool is as easy as creating an account with an email address and a phone number, topping up our balance at stores or with a credit or debit card, and tapping the "pay in-store" button. Lastly, the only thing left to do is scan the QR code that we will be shown at the checkout.

But that is not the only feature of this app. It also allows us to pay for our utilities from anywhere (electricity, water, gas, phone, internet, streaming platforms...). The list includes over 70 services that can be comfortably paid for without leaving home or paying any fees.

Cashi 2.1.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0.

Cashi 2.1.0 NewS

The Cashi application is a financial tool that allows us to make mobile payments in stores and also to pay for our services and utilities with ease

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