personalDNSfilter DownLoad


  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Security
  • File size:394KB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-03-21 11:34:45

#personalDNSfilter Review

#personalDNSfilter Introduction


When navigating the Internet there is a pretty good chance that we will encounter annoying advertisements that impair our user experience - and that is often the best-case scenario because we might also be talking about malware and trackers. To stop them there are ad-blocking applications, known as adblockers, and personalDNSfilter is one of them.

personalDNSfilter Advanced protection against annoying advertising

This tool is a DNS filter proxy. It works with any DNS server at a local level and allows the filter to be applied by using a list of hosts. It connects to them and then returns the loopback address of hosts that have been filtered.

It is programmed in Java and features a very simple menu that offers us functions and features such as the following:

Manual settings for filtering hosts.

Filters are automatically updated.

Ability to create white lists for applications.

Blocking can be enabled and disabled manually.

personalDNSfilter Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.

The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.

personalDNSfilter NewS

personalDNSfilter is a tool for blocking ads in real-time as well as for blocking trackers and malware and it works through the filtering of DNS hosts

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