Ads Exchange 1.4.7 DownLoad

Ads Exchange 1.4.7

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:27.3MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-07 12:57:52

#Ads Exchange 1.4.7 Review

#Ads Exchange 1.4.7 Introduction


Ads Exchange is a platform for managing the digital market of advertising space, where you can manage the inventory of ads in both web spaces and mobile applications.

Ads Exchange 1.4.7 Buy your advertising spaces or rent those you already own

It is an application that enables advertisers to access the purchase of advertising space from agencies and advertising networks, as well as to make the space they own available to clients. From the app, you can access them quickly, easily, and smoothly, keeping an exhaustive control of expenses with everything invested in advertisements.

The app also lets you manage the income generated by these advertisements and incorporates a payment system that offers the possibility of paying fixed bills such as telephone, insurance, or utilities such as water. However, the app is designed and intended for business management in India, so you will need at least a valid phone number in this Asian country to register on the platform and be able to link income and payment options.

Ads Exchange 1.4.7 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Ads Exchange 1.4.7 NewS

Ads Exchange is a useful application for Android devices used to buy and sell advertising space on the web and to manage the income generated from it

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