Checky 1.0.1 DownLoad

Checky 1.0.1

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:2.2MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-15 07:19:16

#Checky 1.0.1 Review

#Checky 1.0.1 Introduction


Things we do out of habit often go unnoticed. For example, do you know approximately how many times you check your cell phone in a day? With Checky you can monitor your habits and your relationship with your smartphone.

Find out how many times you check your Android.

Checky 1.0.1 A little help to raise awareness

You would surely be surprised after just a couple of days with this app installed. With social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, work realted apps, and, more importantly, because of instant messaging such as WhatsApp and Telegram, we spend hours glued to our cells. Certain studies claim that we look at the mobile about 150 times a day and that crazy figure translates into almost 20 hours of use per week.

If you think you use your cell phone too much and want to start controlling yourself to reduce screen time, a counter like Checky can help you. With this app, you can keep track of your daily usage and set a daily lower and lower limit every day. If you combine it with another app that tells you which apps you spend more time on or even blocking them after a specific use time, you will surely improve your relationship with your smartphone.

Checky 1.0.1 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0.3.

Checky 1.0.1 NewS

Control how many times you check your Android with Checky. Download the app and find out how you use your smartphone and learn about your cell phone habits

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