Outline 1.10.0 DownLoad

Outline 1.10.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Security
  • File size:13MB
  • Developer: Jigsaw Operations LLC
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-03-21 06:43:27

#Outline 1.10.0 Review

#Outline 1.10.0 Introduction


Privacy and anonymity on the Internet are concerns for many users. In some countries, it is simply a matter of not sharing your data, but in others, your well-being, and even your life, may depend on it. This is why VPN services are becoming increasingly popular, and that is where we find Outline.

Outline 1.10.0 Configure your own proxy server

As you may already know, a VPN channels a user's connection through a server so that the IP shown is not that of the Internet user but that of the server. In other words, when accessing a website or online service, the IP that is registered as having been accessed is the one provided by the server, which may be located thousands of kilometers away from the user. This allows privacy protection as well as browsing without restrictions or geographic blocking, or data encryption.

This service does not work like other VPN services since it is the user who has to configure his server. After you carry out this configuration on the service's website, you can enter the access data on your device and even share it with other authorized users.

Internet access takes place through the Shadowsocks protocol, with secure encryption and fast browsing.

Outline 1.10.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.1.

Outline 1.10.0 NewS

Outline is a tool that allows users to create their own VPN proxy server in order to access the Internet in a totally secure and entirely anonymous way

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