Infobolsa 5.4.0 DownLoad

Infobolsa 5.4.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:8.4MB
  • Developer: INFOBOLSA SAU
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-11 04:58:58

#Infobolsa 5.4.0 Review

#Infobolsa 5.4.0 Introduction


Financial markets represent a deep mystery for the average person, but all those apparently crazy numbers afford a great deal of vitally important information for market experts and those who understand the subject in general. If you like to stay informed about everything that is going on in the stock market, this app is where you will find up-to-date information on the major financial markets in Europe, America, and Asia.

Follow financial markets using the Infobolsa application.

Infobolsa 5.4.0 Information on Ibex 35, Dow Jones, the Nikkei index and much more

Infobolsa gives you just what it says on the packet. When you open this application you will be bombarded with a ton of economic and financial information. You can instantly check which markets have made profits and which have made losses. Also, within each index, you will be able to go to daily, monthly and yearly charts, as well as being able to see which company share prices have gone down and which have gone up. You will also be able to manage your own stock portfolio by adding your shares and funds to it. As well as giving you all you need to know about Ibex 35, the Nikkei index and Dow Jones, this tool provides you with other useful data, such as:


Continuous market

MAB (Mercado Alternativo Bursátil) – Alternative Stock Market

MEFF (Mercado Oficial de Opciones y Futuros Financieros en España) – Official Spanish Financial Futures and Options Market.

Latest initial public offerings (IPOs)


Risk premiums


Year-on-year CPI

Quarterly GDP

Infobolsa 5.4.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0

Offers in-app purchases.

Infobolsa 5.4.0 NewS

Infobolsa is the perfect application for anyone who wants to keep up to date with the latest news of the main financial markets by just pressing a button

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