Voice Notes 9.10.8 DownLoad

Voice Notes 9.10.8

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Multimedia
  • File size:17MB
  • Developer: gawk
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-29 15:48:00

#Voice Notes 9.10.8 Review

#Voice Notes 9.10.8 Introduction


How many times have we wanted to write something down but didn't have paper and pencil at hand? Or have we forgotten it before we could write it down? This practical app solves the problem, because with it we can record voice notes and dictate texts to transcribe them or save the audios.

Voice Notes 9.10.8 The voice recognition system at your service

Downloading the APK file of the Voice Notes app allows us to quickly record short notes and important ideas. But that's not all, since it also has a function to dictate text and the app transforms it into written words through the voice recognition system.

An application that allows you to quickly and easily record short notes or important ideas and set reminders through voice recognition.

Best of all, it couldn't be easier to use. It has three tabs: notes, reminders and categories. In the categories section we can create different folders to classify our entries.

To create notes and reminders we have to press the blue button at the bottom of the screen. The app will record everything we say through the terminal's microphone, although it will only start recording when we touch the green button.

Immediately, we will see how the system transforms our voice into written words. Obviously, the results will not be perfect, but we can edit the text in the same app.

If we add a date and time, the note will become a reminder, and our device will alert us when the time is right. In addition, if we tap the button on the monkey icon, we can also create our voice memos to listen to them at any time - we will never forget an idea again!

Voice Notes 9.10.8 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.

Offers in-app purchases.

Voice Notes 9.10.8 NewS

Don't let yourself forget another single idea again! The Voice Notes application allows you to dictate text, quickly record audios and set reminders.

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