Cut the Rope 3.62.0 DownLoad

Cut the Rope 3.62.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Games
  • File size:72.4MB
  • Developer: ZeptoLab
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-19 02:05:22

#Cut the Rope 3.62.0 Review

#Cut the Rope 3.62.0 Introduction


Enjoy solving logic puzzles with Cut the Rope. Discover how to overcome each level applying the laws of physics. You only have to find out how to cut the ropes so that the sweets reach their destination: the green monster called Om Nom.

Make the sweets reach Om Nom.

Cut the Rope 3.62.0 Where and when to cut the rope?

Cut the Rope will provide you with different challenges to solve. The aim is to find out how to cut the ropes to release the sweets in such a way that they reach Om Nom. Find out which is the best moment and place to cut the rope.

Manage to gather as many stars as possible and unblock new levels. Each level includes new objects to interact with.

Download the APK of Cut the Rope for Android and enjoy this free version of one of the best games available on Google Play.

Cut the Rope 3.62.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.

Offers in-app purchases.

Cut the Rope 3.62.0 NewS

Solve the challenges put forward by Cut the Rope and manage to make sure that Om Nom gets all the sweets. Download Cut the Rope free for Android right now

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