Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 DownLoad

Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:15.5MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-21 08:01:47

#Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 Review

#Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 Introduction


It has been proven that practicing yoga improves our quality of life and well-being. If you would like to try, but do not know where to start, this app developed by the studio Yoga Buddhi gives you all the tools you need. Let us tell you how it works.

If you are about to step on a yoga mat for the first time, welcome! Namaste!

Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 Your first yoga class

Yoga for Beginners is a platform designed for you to take your first steps in this discipline. That is, if you already have experience in yoga, this is not the most suitable application for you.

Once downloaded and installed the APK file, we will have to choose the voice that will accompany us in our session and the background music. Also, we can choose from three types of practices:




Three yoga practices for beginners, each with beautiful videos and clear instructions

All of them are introductory, and we can enjoy three sessions within each practice as we try them out. The sessions are clear and easy to follow. Once we have set up our training, simply press the start button and follow the prompts. The whole session is guided by a video that shows us how to do the different asanas (postures) and a voiceover, so we will be accompanied at all times.

In short, it is a very basic application, but it is ideal for anyone who wants to try yoga for the first time. Start practicing yoga at home today (or wherever you want) and enjoy a healthier life and a more relaxed state of body and mind.

Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.

Instructions to install XAPKs on Android

Yoga for Beginners 5.1.0 NewS

Yoga for Beginners is the perfect application for your device to make our first steps in this interesting discipline without having to leave our house

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