Google Classroom DownLoad

Google Classroom

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:47.3MB
  • Developer: Google
  • Down:
  • Time:2023-11-16 22:22:52

#Google Classroom Review

#Google Classroom Introduction


Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets can help students and teachers to hold more fluid communications that improve the work of them both. Especially thanks to apps of the likes of Google Classroom APK, Google's free service for educational centers for which you only need a personal email account to become a member. If you're a teacher or a student, don't hesitate to download Google Classroom Android.

Google Classroom How does Google Classroom work?

To be able to make use of Google Classroom APK, you've only got to log in with your Google email account and create a classroom or access an already existing one using its ID code. From there on, the teacher can direct the classroom work and activities, in general, or any student in particular. In any case, if despite its intuitive functioning, you still don't manage to get around the app, you can resort to any of the manuals in PDF available on the Internet or video tutorials on YouTube.

The goals of this app: save time and paper, distribute homework better, improve the communication between teaches and students, and organize the work better.

The following list of features will be available once you download Google Classroom Android for free:

Easy to configure: teachers can add the students by means of an email or by providing the classroom's code.

Possibility to create, check, and assess homework very quickly from a single space.

Students can view all their completed and pending tasks on a specific page.

Option to share all sorts of material such as documents, photos, and videos.

Possibility to hold debates as well as to share resources with classmates and answer questions on the notice board.

This tool to increase educational performance at school has very positive opinions and is used in classrooms all over the world. Furthermore, its API is open-source, so any developer can integrate it into his projects.

Google Classroom What's new in the latest version

Marking student work is faster with new navigation between each student's submission.

Bug fixes and improvements.

Google Classroom Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

Google Classroom NewS

Google Classroom is an educational tool for Android smartphones and tablets developed by Google to improve the communications between teachers and students

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