GuteBooks 1.5.1 DownLoad

GuteBooks 1.5.1

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:5.3MB
  • Developer: None
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  • Time:2024-03-19 13:28:44

#GuteBooks 1.5.1 Review

#GuteBooks 1.5.1 Introduction


Is it legal to download books? Well, it is provided that they're not subject to any kind of copyright or regulation as is the case with the majority of classics of universal literature. And we can find over 700,000 of them in the app GuteBooks.

By downloading this APK, you'll be able to access from your smartphone or tablet books brought together from different sources such as Project Gutenberg, Google, and We're talking about works of public domain and, therefore, free. Therefore, if you download eBooks with this tool you won't be violating any copyright law.

GuteBooks 1.5.1 Download the most important books in history

You obviously won't find the latest publications or the most recent award-winning novels. However, you will be able to get hold of all those works that have contributed towards configuring mankind's intellectuality over the centuries. The app offers its contents on a simple interface that grants us access to menus where we'll find options such as the following:

Explore the catalog as proposed by the app, by genres or authors, or using its manual search tool.

Download any book to read it offline.

Mark books as favorites.

Configure the language in which you want to read the books.

Choose between several editions for each book.

An application that can't be missing on your Android if you want to read high-quality literature without paying a cent.

GuteBooks 1.5.1 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0.

GuteBooks 1.5.1 NewS

GuteBooks Free Ebooks is the app to read and download free books. It comes along with over 700,000 classic books and universal literature of public domain

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