Selfies 0.9.8 DownLoad

Selfies 0.9.8

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Social
  • File size:2.3MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-09 18:16:56

#Selfies 0.9.8 Review

#Selfies 0.9.8 Introduction


From the creators of WordPress here comes Selfies, the social network for self-portraits that are now the real rage. With the latter we can take photos and share images so that they can be seen by the rest of users, who can react with their own selfies just like you also can.

Why write when you can communicate with selfies?

Selfies 0.9.8 Features

Social network based on selfies.

Browse the contents shared by other users.

React to other users' selfies with your own.

Selfies 0.9.8 Communication based on selfies

By downloading Selfies you'll discover a peculiar way of engaging based on exchanging selfies and reactions. As you already know, an image speaks a thousand words, so train your expressiveness to make the most of this application.

Selfies 0.9.8 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0.3.

Selfies 0.9.8 NewS

Download Selfies and share your self-portraits on a social network created for that purpose. In Selfies you can react to other users' selfies with your own

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