UnLim 1.2.2 DownLoad

UnLim 1.2.2

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Tools
  • File size:185MB
  • Developer: Unlim
  • Down:
  • Time:2023-11-21 20:44:37

#UnLim 1.2.2 Review

#UnLim 1.2.2 Introduction


The UnLim Android app is a Telegram-based cloud storage platform for Android devices. This app lets you easily and securely save photos, videos, and other files in the cloud, but with the added advantage of being a free and unlimited service.

UnLim 1.2.2 The best alternative to Google Photos

UnLim APK works pretty much like Google Photos, but with the difference that we have unlimited storage space. The only limit is that each file must weigh a maximum of 2 GB (4 GB in Telegram Premium).

Unlimited and free cloud storage where everyone can upload their files securely and quickly.

While Telegram could already work like a hard drive in the cloud, you can easily manage your files without creating chats to use as folders if you download UnLim for free. It is convenient and intuitive, but you need an active Telegram account to use this service.

Once inside the platform, you can upload images and videos to the gallery, while the file folder stores the rest of the smartphone's files. This app is so intuitive that you can even delete the original files from your smartphone's storage to free up space, as they will always be accessible in the cloud through Telegram. The only downside is that it shows some ads, but the service offered is so good that a bit of advertising is a more than fair price.

UnLim 1.2.2 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.0.

UnLim 1.2.2 NewS

Keep a copy of your files secure at all times with UnLim, a completely free application that offers its users unlimited storage space in the cloud

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