NoteTeacher 4.14 DownLoad

NoteTeacher 4.14

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Multimedia
  • File size:1MB
  • Developer: None
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-13 02:28:58

#NoteTeacher 4.14 Review

#NoteTeacher 4.14 Introduction


Want to learn to play a musical instrument or improve your sight-reading abilities? The download of the APK file of this app turns our smartphones into a music teacher that will set us exercises for improving our sight-reading abilities. But this tool also features other surprises.

NoteTeacher 4.14 Sight-reading, tuner, and metronome

NoteTeacher is an educational app for Android devices that will prove especially useful for music students. It features three main functions:

Digital sight-reading teacher.


Guitar tuner.

The most interesting tool is the sight-reading teacher because it shows and plays notes that we have to play on the keyboard. As we get faster at identifying notes and reading music, the difficulty will gradually increase.

Identify notes faster and improve your sight-reading abilities.

All this is presented on a simple interface that facilitates learning. The app uses the English and German nomenclatures for notes, as in C D E F G A B and C D E F G A H. This may or may not be a problem for speakers of other languages, but in general, this is an awesome music app that will prove extremely useful if we want to study music or learn to play an instrument.

NoteTeacher 4.14 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.0.

Offers in-app purchases.

NoteTeacher 4.14 NewS

The NoteTeacher application provides us with an educational music tool for learning sight-reading while also featuring a guitar tuner and metronome

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