Huawei Assistant DownLoad

Huawei Assistant

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Business
  • File size:50.4MB
  • Developer: None
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  • Time:2024-04-15 04:19:53

#Huawei Assistant Review

#Huawei Assistant Introduction


In an effort to disassociate from Google services following the trade war unleashed by China and the United States, Huawei has followed a strategy of integrating features that make them more independent from the US giant's service portfolio. Among them, you will find Huawei Assistant, which aims to replace Google Now.

Huawei Assistant Faster and more natural access to many of your device's functions

Like Google Now and Cortana, this assistant is intended to provide users with faster access to your phone's functions automatically and as naturally as possible. You will find these by simply sliding the home screen to the right, discovering several blocks of information, or moments, as Huawei calls them. They are also integrated into EMUI.

You will find a planner, weather information, step counter, searches, battery information, you name it! All in a customizable interface that lets you move the blocks freely and place them where you prefer.

There is no doubt that this assistant can improve any Huawei user's productivity, optimizing the use of the device. All through features and functions such as the following:

Quick access to the most relevant information.

Quick access to installed apps.

Web and mobile search.

Discover mode that serves news from different sources.

QR code reader.

Huawei Assistant Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.1.

Huawei Assistant NewS

Huawei Assistant is the virtual assistant that the Asian company has designed for its devices in order to make them easier to use and more intuitive

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