MALClient DownLoad


  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Life
  • File size:39MB
  • Developer: Drutol
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  • Time:2024-04-11 01:08:57

#MALClient Review

#MALClient Introduction


MyAnimeList -commonly called MAL- is a website working as a social network and a virtual community where you can classify manga and anime series. MALClient is its app version. Its main purpose is to offer a listing to organize and rate your collections.

Manage your anime and manga list at

MALClient All your manga and anime in your pocket

Have I already watched this anime? Have I bought that volume from this manga collection? Will I like this new anime? With this tool, you will no longer ask yourself these questions. All you have to do is search for series you have watched/read. You can also add those you are still reading/watching or those you want to read/watch.

In each manga or anime file, you will find related information such as its synopsis, the number of chapters, other users' reviews, general score, if it is finished or not, related series, the genre of the story, and all kind of additional information. On the other hand, you can add your annotations about:


Status (reading, complete, waiting, abandoned or pending).

Read/watched episodes.


Add to favorites

In addition to being able to keep a complete record of your series, this application offers us different lists so we can discover new stories we may like according to our interests. They are based on these categories:

Anime season.

Best animes.


Best mangas

Also, you can check the friends' lists you have added, watch promotional videos and read all kinds of articles and news related to manga and anime. The interface is not the best in the world (and it gives some problems to log in), but it gets the job done.

MALClient Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.1.

Offers in-app purchases.

MALClient NewS

If you like manga and anime and want to keep a record of the anime you have watched and the mangas you have read, MALClient will become your best friend

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