FlexTV 3.2.0

FlexTV 3.2.0

The FlexTV app is a streaming platform that features hundreds of soaps, dramas, and mini series from the romantic genre that come in short episodes...

admin 0 Multimedia


Semper 6.0.031

Semper 6.0.031

The Semper app helps with the study of vocabulary using very simple learning exercises. English, Spanish, French, Chinese.. all there for the taking...

admin 0 Education


Watchify 1.0.0

Watchify 1.0.0

The Watchify application is a simple information platform that collects basic information about movies, series, and documentaries and puts it in your pocket...

admin 0 Multimedia


SingPlay 4.3.5

SingPlay 4.3.5

Can you never find the songs you like in karaoke? With SingPlay you can transform your favorite songs into karaoke versions, sing them and record them...

admin 0 Multimedia


B+ Manga Reader 3.0.6

B+ Manga Reader 3.0.6

Are you an avid manga reader? B+ Manga Reader is a user-friendly comic book reader that collects Batoto's website contents in an Android application...

admin 0 Life


Favor 2.10.1-f465ee4c7.7

Favor 2.10.1-f465ee4c7.7

Do you need to buy something from a store in your area, but can't (or won't) leave your house? The Favor app delivers anything you want at your door...

admin 0 Life


Doctor on Demand 3.61.4

Doctor on Demand 3.61.4

Are you feeling sick and need to see a doctor? With the Doctor on Demand app we can talk to doctors and make medical appointments from a smartphone...

admin 0 Education


SHAREit 6.34.38_MV

SHAREit 6.34.38_MV

Thanks to SHAREit you can now transfer files to computers and other phones without needing to be on the same WiFi network or use cables or Bluetooth...

admin 1 Tools
