Cash Empire 57

Cash Empire 57

Cash Empire is a casino game application where you have to throw the coins on the tray to push them and get them to fall into the bucket and win prizes....

admin 0 Games


JunoWallet 7.9.21

JunoWallet 7.9.21

Get hold of gift cards for top brands by downloading JunoWallet for Android. JunoWallet rewards you with credits by just carrying out simple tasks...

admin 3 Life


Macadam 3.1.0

Macadam 3.1.0

Do you need motivation to lead a more active life? What if you could make money by exercising? The Macadam app rewards your steps every day with real money...

admin 0 Education


Uento 11.5

Uento 11.5

Uento is an application with a bonification system that allows us to earn money to be exchanged for gift cards and recharges by just testing applications...

admin 0 Life


Rummy Satta 1.0

Rummy Satta 1.0

Rummy Satta offers several online and multiplayer gambling games such as rummy or poker where you can win real money and cash using your smartphone...

admin 0 Games
