DNS66 0.6.8

DNS66 0.6.8

DNS66 is an advert blocker for Android devices that's capable of blocking advertisers through hosts and DNS, by filtering the traffic more efficiently...

admin 1 Security


AdFree 0.9.18

AdFree 0.9.18

AdFree is an adblocker for Android that can be used on both web pages and applications installed on our smartphone in order to avoid invasive adverts...

admin 3 Security


StopAd 1.0.332

StopAd 1.0.332

StopAd is an app with which you can save on your mobile data as well as making your online activities much more comfortable: blocks ads in apps and browsers...

admin 2 Security


Blokada 23.3.8

Blokada 23.3.8

Blokada is an efficient adblocker for Android that can stop both adverts and trackers, as well as malware, which affect our experience browsing the Internet...

admin 2 Security
